This is our Future!    Opportunity is just a road away.


  • The development of recreational resources that will enhance enjoyment of the land for all Alaskans and their families, including campgrounds, boat launches, fishing areas, and parking areas at trail access points for hikers, trail bikers, skiers, ATV riders, snow-machiners, dog-mushers, and more.

  • Alaskans’ right to gather a wildfood harvest [subsist] from the land adjacent to the road, including fishing, hunting, and berry picking.

  • Regulated resource development, including mineral and energy exploration and mine developments that will generate revenue for the State of Alaska and provide residents with jobs for a better standard of living.

  • The development of power transmission, new telecommunications and broadband along the road to enhance utilities in the area.

  • The development of new agricultural opportunities that can be farmed to improve Alaska’s food securities along the road.

  • The use of the road by emergency services to fight wildfires and to clear or improve areas of spruce bark beetle-killed forest or fire-damaged forest.

  • Road access to future timber resources at selectively-managed sites along the road.

  • New state land sales in select areas adjacent to the road for personal and commercial uses as long as access to broader public lands is not impeded or significantly affected.

  • Alaska hire and Alaska contractors to be prioritized in development and maintenance of the road.

  • The prioritization of MatSu businesses and other Alaska businesses, to support the work that will be done by the State of Alaska and by resource development companies adjacent to the road.